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Sidewalks: The Way They See It
Every Tuesday volunteers serve more than 100 Chicago homeless people with food from fine dining restuarants -- all with dignity and grace. Here they are not faceless and referred to as "Guests," and sometimes even as "Artists:" for the last eight years, some of them have received inexpensive disposable cameras and have gone about the adventure of capturing their lives. This work culminates with a ... posted on Jul 31 2011, 3,526 reads


Lighting the Way in Slums
Plastic bottles jut from the roofs in a Manila slum neighborhood. But these bottles have an important purpose: they contain bleach and water and are placed snugly into a purpose-built hole in the roof. Designed by students at MIT, they reflect sunlight, spreading 360 degrees of 55-watt-light through the room beneath. Using the simplest of technologies, these bottles brighten dim and dreary shantie... posted on Jul 30 2011, 4,698 reads


Using Soccer to Turn it Around
Lisa Wrightsman used soccer to turn her life around, and now she's using it to help others do the same. Wrightsman was in a semipro league, but later succumbed to drugs, alcohol, homelessness and jail. Last year, however, she entered a Volunteers of America recovery program and discovered their street soccer program. With soccer as her pivot, she made a big shift in her own life, and then saw the ... posted on Jul 29 2011, 3,964 reads


Why Are Easy Decisions So Hard?
"Why do I squander so much mental energy on the mundane purchases of everyday life? I think I've found a good answer. Although I know that every floss will work well enough, sometimes I still can't help waste an embarrassing amount of time on the decision. What I believe happens is that instead of realizing that picking a floss is an easy decision, I confuse the array of options and excess of info... posted on Jul 28 2011, 5,256 reads


Living Plastic Free
Three years ago, Beth Terry, like many other Americans chose double plastic bags, threw the plastic bottles in the trash and ate frozen dinners -- generating about 100 lbs of plastic waste a year. But after seeing a photo of the sea being filled with plastic products, she resolved to live a plastic free life. From January to November 2010, she generated less than 2 pounds of plastic waste. And she... posted on Jul 27 2011, 4,460 reads


A Low Electron Diet
Author Shannon Hayes turns her computer off every morning around 9 am, once her workday is complete. Then she tunes out the rest of the world and tunes into her family, home, and farm. Very often the telephone gets turned off, too. So does the radio. "I shut out the wide world to tend to my immediate world." Hayes continues: "Radical homemakers are not one-person wonders, single-handedly capable o... posted on Jul 26 2011, 10,158 reads


Why Patience Pays Off
"Consider this powerful quote by Lao Tzu: 'Do you have the patience to wait until your mud settles, and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving until the right action arises by itself?' We might think of "waiting" as taking time, but it's actually less about clock time and more about inner space. Of course, there are moments when our immediate gut-level response to a situation is a flash of in... posted on Jul 25 2011, 39,704 reads


You Can't Buy Empathy
"It's not what you know but who you know," the saying goes, suggesting that social connections breed success. But it seems there's at least one way that the well educated are less socially connected: New research finds that those with an economic advantage have more trouble reading others' emotions. In a series of studies, researchers examined how well participants could judge the emotions that ot... posted on Jul 24 2011, 11,595 reads


Pick Up Artists Across America
When most people see a fast-food bag fluttering on the corner of the highway, they probably shake their heads and keep on driving. The Pick Up Artists aren't most people. These four young environmentalists are driving across America, conducting roadside cleanups and spreading the word about reducing waste. After just three months on the road, the Pick Up America project has already collected more ... posted on Jul 23 2011, 9,597 reads


5 Manifestos for Art, Life & Business
Manifestos are a powerful catalyst. Famous architect Frank Loyd Wright said that "an eye to see nature, a heart to feel nature and a courage to follow nature" were three of his top 10 manifestos. By publicly stating our views and intentions, manifestos create a pact for taking action. If we want to change the world, in ways large or small, developing a set of principles that we believe in and cons... posted on Jul 22 2011, 6,777 reads


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"The influence of each human being on others in this life is a kind of immortality."
John Quincy Adams

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